Replacing who is the client

If you have AutoMail you may be asked if you want to generate an engagement letter, for the purpose of this tutorial click Cancel. Various dialogs display at this point. The first highlighting the fact that the new client has not be registered with an IRIS product, the second giving the option to add the people involved in the business to be entered and the third giving the option to log the formation of the company to the client history. Click the magnifying glass next to the Director field.

Click New on the Clients Browser screen. Click Next when the directors details are complete and Next again on the Adding Personal Clients screen then click Finish. The following message may display on your screen. If it does, click OK. If the AutoMail option displays click Cancel. Mrs A B Robbins is now listed and already highlighted. Click Select to add her as a director. Now we need to set up another director, and this is done in the same way. Repeat steps 1 to 9 this time entering Mr Smith's details.

Family members who were not adequately informed in advance will have every reason to feel betrayed if information about them is later disclosed unexpectedly to other family members, or to third parties.

But Ethical Standard 3. First, it applies to two very different types of circumstances e. This Standard leaves some important questions unanswered : First, are the clients of the first phrase the same as those of the second? If not, what is the relationship between the two? If not, what are they?

Psychologists who provide services to organizations may encounter complications similar to those in third party referral cases. For example, a psychologist might have a contract with a corporation, specifying a plan for providing leadership consultation to the CEO, in addition to case consultation to several of his managers who have problematic relationships with their supervisees.

The psychologist might meet with the CEO, with the managers, with their supervisees, and perhaps with other employees. What are their individual rights?

How do they differ? What will happen to the information confided to the psychologist by the CEO? It will probably not be appropriate for the psychologist to promise the same level of confidentiality in each of these relationships; so the limits of the confidentiality will need to be defined in advance, explained at the initial informed — consent interview with the CEO, and made clear to each individual at each level of the consultation process. Psychologists who provide services through organizations may encounter conflicting loyalties when the interests of their employing or contracting organization conflict with the interests of the party receiving the services.

In this regard, no circumstances are more complex than those faced by psychologists who work within the school setting, with differing ethical responsibilities to their employer, to the students who receive their services, to the teachers who elicit their consultation, and to staff colleagues who are members of their team.

No single-answer question would adequately clarify the potential conflicts of interest or the complicated confidentiality rules that must be established and explained among those relationships.

Less discussed are the potentially conflicting loyalties psychologists face when they sign legally-binding managed care contracts or other reimbursement agreements, under which they become contracted providers for third party payer organizations.

Legally speaking, this may not be considered the same as providing services through those organizations; but ethically speaking, similar issues are involved. For providers of clinical services, this ethical duty might arise from several different APA Ethical Standards. Under Ethical Standard 3. And under Standard 4. See case example, below. For disclosures to reimbursement organizations, the informed consent process therefore requires a designating the person under whose name the services will be billed; b informing that person about the nature of the information to be disclosed and the potential implications of disclosing it, and then c seeking explicit consent to make the disclosure.

Once fully informed, the person can make a voluntary decision about whether to give consent for the planned disclosure, or whether instead to give informed refusal. In fact, Acuff, Bennett, Bricklin et al. In fact, seeking a singular answer can create more problems than it solves.

But making the question plural does not solve the problem. Whether singular or plural, the question obscures the fact that identifying the client s is only a beginning, not an end in itself. This new question is consistent with the fact that psychologists have an ethical obligation to clarify such things with all involved parties, not just with the party requesting or receiving the psychological services.

With third party referrals, it is a reminder that psychologists have an ethical obligation to provide, in advance preferably in a written contract , clarification of the nature of all the proposed relationships, as well as a description of what if any information will be provided to the referring third party about the services received. In any type of case, this new question would help psychologists prepare to discuss with each party exactly how confidentiality will apply or not apply in the relationship, making it possible to obtain truly informed consent for their participation M.

It does require, however, that psychologists identify the type of client, as a means toward understanding their differential ethical responsibilities. This becomes especially important for psychologists who provide therapy services.

Thus, psychologists in therapy relationships have ethical duties beyond those described above, including responsibility for explaining potential risks Ethical Standard Furthermore, beyond the broadly-applicable ethical requirement to avoid multiple relationships that might lead to exploitation or harm Ethical Standard 3. It has no single-word answer. It requires us to consider the full range of our ethical obligations toward everyone involved.

As suggested years ago,. But the very same question is often asked from other perspectives — clinical, reimbursement, legal — and this creates confusion about its meaning and about how it should be answered. As illustrated in the following case example, the meaning of the question can be understood only if one clarifies the perspective from which the question is being asked.

Smith is the therapy client or patient. Smith, as the individual receiving therapy services, will have all the rights afforded to therapy clients by the APA Ethics Code. Smith, whose participation is collateral to her treatment, has the right to an informed consent conversation in which the psychologist defines his role and clarifies the nature of Mr.

Smith does not have all the same rights e. In that context, the question will require a singular answer, because third party payers require that claims be filed in the name of one covered individual, even if the services are provided to more than one person as in couples or family therapy.

In this case, the therapist must determine whether Mr. The legal answers will differ from state to state. In such cases, it is easy for psychologists to become so focused on one meaning of the question that they forget to ask and to answer the others. F ocusing on the reimbursement question can distract from the clinical question, or can lead to the mistaken assumption that both answers must always be the same. Similarly, when confused about the legal question or intimidated by legal demands for information, psychologists may have difficulty separating this from the clinical and reimbursement questions.

But it is even more problematic, and potentially more harmful to clients, if psychologists are confused about the ethical question, or forget to ask it at all. In that event, the rights of all parties can be placed at risk. But for both, one part of the answer was that they had an ethical responsibility to protect the right of both parties to receive, in advance , information that might affect their decision to participate.

This required both therapists to be prepared to communicate a great deal of information before the relationships ever began. Its meaning is so clear that it would never be mistaken for a legal, clinical, or reimbursement question. It encourages psychologists to clarify all their relationships, exercise forethought, and become more ethically planful.

These would be important advantages of making the change. Acuff, C. Considerations for ethical practice in managed care. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 30 , American Psychological Association Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist 57 , Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology. Deleting client accounts If a client account is no longer required, you can delete the account so that it is permanently removed from the list of client accounts.

Client account states Once a client account has been added, you can see its real-time status in the Client accounts page. Creating sites for client accounts To help clients that have multiple sites better manage their accounts, you can create an account for each of their sites and assign the same client administrator username to oversee all sites.

Subscription information Your client's subscription information provides an overview of important dates and terms about your client's account. Modifying your client's subscription If you want to change your client's subscription term for billing purposes, or you made a mistake when creating your client account, you can modify your client's subscription even if the subscription has yet to start.

Adding users to your client account As a client administrator, you can add users to one or more of the accounts that you manage, so that they can view your cameras and assist you in monitoring your premises. Searching for client users If the list of client users is long and it is difficult to find a particular one, you can search for the user by name to find what you are looking for quickly.

Deleting client users If a client user is no longer required, you can delete them so that they are permanently removed from your account. Suspending client accounts If you have clients who violate their service agreements, or pay their invoices inconsistently, you can suspend their accounts. About push notifications A push notification is the delivery of information or a message from a software application to a mobile device, without a specific request from the client.

Replacing the client administrator Last updated.


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