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Contact Us. Incorporate it into one of your favorite meals. You get the idea. This is a do-able plan. I will be! The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel. Kristin is the mom of two boys and two girls and lives outside of Philadelphia, PA.
She loves to read, write, shop, and spend as much of her summer as possible at the Jersey shore! Your email address will not be published. Pin Share Tweet. And she lists all the different names for sugar that you will find on an ingredient list, which is very helpful. Jackie starts you off for two weeks eating what you are right now. I know, crazy right? But there's a small trick.
While your eating what you want those two weeks, you have to incorporate more food in your diet. She lists a few things you have to eat everyday for 2 weeks while your eating what you want. Her reasoning is to get your body chemicals balanced. Then, after those 2 weeks, you switch over to a menu plan. You knew that was coming didn't you? But by following this menu plan for five days, you then get to eat what you want twice on the weekends!! There's also an exercise program, of course.
But instead of all those lengthy work-outs, you work out 20 minutes a day for five days, a really intense cardio program that will soon have those inches coming off and you'll be looking and feeling your best. Apr 06, Maria rated it it was amazing. You will be wiser and healthier with little effort if you read this book! I am so happy to have won a copy of this book on Goodreads swap, just so I can tell my friends what a great tool this can be to living a healthier and happier life.
ANYONE, whether you lead a ridiculously hectic lifestyle or not, will be able to take the knowledge from this book and apply it to your life. You don't need to spend ton You will be wiser and healthier with little effort if you read this book! You don't need to spend tons of money on expensive supplements, or hours and hours cooking healthy meals in your kitchen, or hours working out. This book has it all.. To sum it up, this book is a tool that contains tons of information on how very simple lifestyle changes made with little to no effort, will result in you living a much healthier and probably happier lifestyle.
I am already going back and referencing various parts of this book as and will hold on to it forever. You will have fun and be amazed at how sore you end up being the next day! Dec 14, Arminzerella rated it liked it Shelves: diet-nutrition , exercise , borrowed-from-the-library , health , nonfiction , recipes , dieting , weight-loss , personal-trainers. This is a very readable diet book that includes everything one needs to get started on their own personal fitness journey.
Jackie Warner owns a gym Sky Sport and Spa and she and her team of personal trainers offer classes and programs to help people change their eating and exercise habits and transform their bodies. Apr 13, Jenny rated it really liked it. Being a health focused mother of one, I was ecstatic to receive this book free through Goodreads First Reads.
There is a ton of info in this book - really touches on all aspects of being healthy and adjusting your lifestyle. I could see how the plan would benefit those who want to loose those extra pounds without feeling deprived at all. The first step of the plan is not to remove any foods, but add those foods that increase your metabolism!
Who doesn't love that?? I consider myself fairly educate Being a health focused mother of one, I was ecstatic to receive this book free through Goodreads First Reads.
I consider myself fairly educated when it comes to health and exercise, and I can say that I learned some great tips to add into my lifestyle. Lots of information provided regarding why they recommend certain things. My family and friends have added it to their reading lists and I know that they will take away some great tips to keep healthy! I recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their eating, exercise or health programs. Great book! May 06, Yuki rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction.
This was a "skim" not a "read". The usual "eat this stuff" and "do these exercises" book. That's not to say that I don't admire Jackie. Just not this book. Dec 23, Lori rated it liked it. I liked this book. I like her style and her voice. She doesn't mince words, which some people may find offensive, but usually we become offended because we know what the other person is saying to be true. I think what I liked most in the book were two things.
Many of those I will be adding to my existing routine. Oct 01, Amber rated it liked it. Has lots of great information but the diet plan seems a little too strict for the normal person. Very interesting.
Dec 25, Briannah Griggs rated it it was amazing. I being slightly overweight, know a lot about nutrition and have read a lot of diet or fat loss books. This is the first one in years where I actually learned things I didn't know which is saying a whole lot. Understanding why we get body fat and the horrible things we do to ourselves that affect how the machine runs. The body is a machine and if it is well maintained, like your car, it will run great or just chug along depending on how well it is maintained.
This book helps you to understand ho I being slightly overweight, know a lot about nutrition and have read a lot of diet or fat loss books. This book helps you to understand how to deal with the fat body.
I would highly recommend this diet plan to burning fat. I find a lot just find new way to tell you to diet and exercise, duh. This book does that too, make no mistake, but it also goes on to explain why you got fat and how to fix it. Jun 02, Carrie rated it really liked it. This is an excellent book for women who want to lose weight or just start a healthy journey.
Jackie talks about about how our hormones affect our weight and she gives really simple and do-able nutrition and exercise tips. Aug 31, Tricia rated it it was amazing Shelves: done. Great information. Oct 18, Edcatra rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. Everything in one place if you are just starting to understand calories. Nothing new. Apr 30, Kate rated it it was amazing Shelves: self-discovery , health-fitness. Jackie's information is true to life and no-nonesense, much the same as Bob Harper's and Jillian Michaels books regarding nutrition and fitness.
However; her lay-out, ideas regarding hormones, and how sugar is the devil are very informative. I, personally, have been on a mission to get healthier, lose weight and research more about the ins and outs of nutrition and fitness this year.
This past year, I cut out most packaged foods, all cereals, and started eating healthier fresh foods and bought a food scale to measure portions.
Almost a year later, I am 20 pounds thinner with lots of hard work. I love to read to learn as much as I can about losing weight, fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle. Jackie's approach gives instructions on healthy living, without calorie counting. I usually allow one indulgence per week but there are certainly times when I feel like I need more food so this is perfect!
It's not deprivation; it's real and it's healthy! I also love her fitness circuits. I enjoy at home workouts from beachbody so this is perfect to incorporate with that. I love that she preaches intensity of workouts over length- I have definitely become a believer in that! I'm grateful for this information and all of the things I've learned over the past year. It's been effort and planning but you can't put a price tag on feeling better about myself and being healthier!
Thank you, Jackie, for a wonderful book!!! I took a lot of notes and wrote a lot of tips down! Can't wait to keep plugging away at my goals with all this new and helpful information! Jun 06, Stacy rated it really liked it Shelves: health.
She addresses the dietary, exercise, and mental aspects of physical fitness. So why are we fat? She points out all of the added sugar in the American diet and blames it for everything from wrinkles to mood swings, in addition to obesity. She goes into great detail about varying your level of intensity and incorporating weight training into your routine.
Jackie includes sample meal plans for weight loss and lists of foods to include especially eggs and oatmeal every day and foods to avoid. I mean, millet is a whole grain and sold at health stores almost exclusively, so why is it to be avoided? Most of it made sense though. She also talks about changing your mentality to feel pain when you look at sugary foods instead of pleasure thinking about the effect it will have on your body. View 2 comments. Feb 06, Danielleb rated it did not like it.
She is not a nutritionist. So her ideas that "sugar cause hyperactivity" is a lie. There were a lot of information that was old. Like if you don't eat you're starving yourself and your body goes into starvation mode.. Her "idea" of 5 days of "clean eating" and 2 days of cheat are very much like weight watchers. If you stay on plan for 5 days you can "cheat" because you have extra weekly points.
I was so annoyed about her so call "advice" on what causes you to be fat.. I hope they just get rid of the book from the library. Too much old information.. May 11, Laura Ellis rated it really liked it Shelves: read-list. Jackie Warner may be the fitness guru to the stars but this book is a book for anyone that wants to lose weight and get healthy. I liked the layout of the book as she lays out the plan and what you should do and follows with helpful extras.
The book contains detailed pictures and instructions for the weight training portion of the plan, menus and recipes, and appendices with charts to help you plan and track your meals and exercise. Jackie writes in an easy to read, motivational, get your butt i Jackie Warner may be the fitness guru to the stars but this book is a book for anyone that wants to lose weight and get healthy.
Jackie writes in an easy to read, motivational, get your butt in gear and do it attitude that I really liked.