You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Comments Comment by pynkskyn "It's huge If you kill that critter, the mob will spawn and then you need to kill it and deliver the item to Yan which is just south of it. You will also have a chance to loot different items which you can sell or you may find useful such as Hardened Crocolisk Hide Quest Item , Grooved Fang, Battered Scales and Meat Scrap Quest Item this is also a nice place if your a Skinner to pick up some extra leather to use or sell.
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Classic TBC. Comment by henslock8 An excellent place to farm these is from the Crocolisks along the Vir'naal River in Uldum. Comment by Erethzium I found that the best place to farm these are from Riverbed Crocolisk in the south river. Flew up and down the river and killed every croc I saw, in 20 minutes I had 2 stacks of Crocolisk Tail.
They have a great respawn rate, hell, at least 7 or 8 times, I killed one and then another one instantly respawned! Comment by Vast upgrade over Crocolisk Tail. I like this spot better than Vir'naal River in Uldum because of the savage leather drop rates. I used a lot to level cooking but selling stacks of 5 in the AH for 17g. Comment by You can farm the mat in Uldum far south at the bottom of the river in the delta.
Comment by Dractulamede As was referred to previously, there is an item with the same name that drops from the barbscale crocolisk in Netherstorm that is a junk item and not usable in the recipes mentioned.