Most vaccinations are safe and effective while you are breastfeeding. However, yellow fever vaccination should be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary. You can continue to breastfeed after you receive the flu influenza vaccine. Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content. Herbal preparations are not required to have the same level of testing and proof that they work as do prescription medicines.
As a result, we know less about their side effects during breastfeeding. Some are known to be quite safe. Others have been shown to contain components that may not be safe. Read more on Australian Breastfeeding Association website. Prescription medications and breastfeedingThere are few medications which preclude breastfeeding. Nonetheless, before your doctor prescribes a medication for you, make sure he or she knows that you are breastfeeding. If your doctor is unsure whether or not you can breastfeed safely while taking a particular medication, ask that they check with drug information experts.
It's usually OK to drink herbal tea while you're pregnant or breastfeeding, but herbal teas are not regulated in Australia, so it's important to speak to your doctor or midwife first. Breastfeeding mothers don't need a special diet. But small amounts of what you consume can enter breast milk, so knowing what's safe is important. Learn more. When you are breastfeeding, medicines you take may pass into your breastmilk.
Deciding to use any medicine involves weighing up the potential benefits and risks. Can a mother still breastfeed when she is unwell? There are very few maternal illnesses that require the mother to stop breastfeeding. Galactagogues are foods, herbs or medications that can help to increase breastmilk supply. If unsure, each mother should check with her health care provider for information about a particular vaccination.
For more information, see The Australian Immunisation Handbook Most commonly used drugs are relatively safe for breastfed babies. The dose received via milk is generally small and much less than the known safe doses of Read more on Australian Prescriber website.
Authors' conclusions: Although some interventions may be promising for the treatment of breast engorgement, such as cabbage leaves, cold gel packs, herbal compresses, and massage, the certainty of evidence is low and we cannot draw robust conclusions about their true effects.
Read more on Cochrane Australasian Centre website. Which drugs can be useful in improving the milk supply during lactation when non-drug approaches don't work and what are the potential side effects?
Read more on Ausmed Education website. Good medicines information is critical to medical practice. Choose high-quality, pre-appraised sources first and make The attempt to speed up drug registration approvals could be detrimental for the appropriateness and safety of new medicines in Australia. IUDs, contraceptive implants and hormone injections what is available in Australia and how effective are they?
Hypoglycaemia has the potential to cause physical and emotional harm, impact on morbidity and, in extreme cases, be the cause of death. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only.
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See more conditions. Healthy Lifestyle Infant and toddler health. Products and services. Breast-feeding and medications: What's safe? By Mayo Clinic Staff. Thank you for Subscribing Our Housecall e-newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest health information. Please try again.
Something went wrong on our side, please try again. Show references Kaunitz AM. Postpartum contraception: Initiation and methods. Accessed June 26, Sachs HC. The transfer of drugs and therapeutics into human breast milk: An update on selected topics. Kimmel MC, et al. Safety of infant exposure to antidepressants and benzodiazepines through breastfeeding. Reaffirmed Wambach K, et al. Drug therapy and breastfeeding. In: Breastfeeding and Human Lactation. Sudbury, Mass. We support research, lead programs and provide education and advocacy so that every family can have the best possible start.
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You've saved this page It's been added to your dashboard. In This Topic. Can what you eat and drink affect your breast milk? Here are some nutrients you may need supplements for during breastfeeding: DHA. You can get iodine by: Eating foods that are high in iodine, like fish, bread, cereal and milk products Taking an iodine or iodide supplement.
Iodide is a form of iodine. Using iodized salt. This is salt that has iodine added to it. Read the package label to make sure your salt is iodized. You may need extra vitamin B12 if you: Are a strict vegetarian or vegan. A vegan is someone who doesn't eat meat or anything made with animal products, like eggs or milk.
Have had gastric bypass surgery. This is surgery on the stomach and intestines to help you lose weight. These conditions affect how your body digests breaks down food. Can smoking while breastfeeding hurt your baby? It passes to your baby in breast milk and can cause problems, like: Making your baby fussy Making it hard for your baby to sleep Reducing your milk supply so your baby may not get all the milk he needs Secondhand smoke also is bad for your baby.
Can you pass alcohol or street drugs to your baby through breast milk? Tell each provider about any medicine you take. Your treatment is closely supervised and monitored. You have social support from friends and family throughout your treatment. Your baby continues to gain weight as you breastfeed. Is limp Has trouble breathing Has trouble breastfeeding To find out more about prescription medicines and breastfeeding, visit LactMed.
Read the label on the package for information about how an OTC drug may affect breastfeeding. Take the smallest dose amount of medicine to help lessen the amount that gets passed to your baby in breast milk. These medicines may have larger doses that stay in your body and breast milk longer than medicines with smaller doses. What medical conditions make breastfeeding unsafe for your baby? Breastfeeding may be harmful to a baby if: Your baby has galactosemia.
They can have brain damage or even die if they eat or drink breast milk, milk or anything made with milk. Babies with galactosemia need to eat a special formula that is not made with milk of any kind.
Your baby gets tested for this condition soon after birth as part of newborn screening.